Da creator made
A warrior of love
But Lucifer let
That myth of
Becoming a beast
Send him to jail
Where love had no faith
And he became
That nightmare on elm street
Turning the human race
Into a horror film
So can I
Recite this poem
Before you send
Your rebels of evil
To rape me
Lucifer your just mad
Cause love is
My ultimate weapon
So he made
Da creation of love
Nothing but a wet dream
And most men
Rather be a beast
Spitting that fake love
Just to get women
Hooked on that sex
And now da women
Protect themselves with that pain
Stopping love to speak to them
I guess da devils motto
Is da only love
We rather accept
Da Universe bleeds
With no one stepping up
To teach that love
Is da revolution
So we still believe love
Is nothing but
A wet dream
We spent too much time
Killing each other
That we must stop
This war of evil
And turn these demons
Back into warriors of love
Lucifer it doesn't matter
How much chaos you cause
Cause love will rewrite
The damage history
Love is not
A wet dream
Being that beast
From that myth
Is nothing but
A wet dream