Monday, December 21, 2015

The story about that nightmare

I fell down again
When I lost my faith
That success wouldn't be mine
And I pray
That I will no longer hold back
So the creator said
Overcome this nightmare
By keeping my faith
You say fuck love
Fuck religion its nothing
But a hoax
And you believe
That money is
The root of all evil
No the corruption remains
With the people
Who are brain washed
So you continue
To stab the truth
With your pain & fear
So da devil
Put you in his nightmare
And you didn't even know it
You think it was love
That caused chaos
It was that self hatred
That began slavery
So it wasn't the white man
That stole our identity
We lost our ways
When being kings & queens of God
Wasn't enough to stay alive
And it remains the truth
That this generation believes
Obama is here to save us
More like it became
Black Friday again
We already had
7 black presidents
And we don't wana become educated
Cause we too busy
Smoking & drinking
That everything is a conspiracy
We still demasculate ourselves
Just to get admiration, respect,
Justice & equal rights
Da devil is telling us
That being that change
Will only get you killed
For spitting the truth
The government set it up
To program us
To panic about paying bills, loans and taxes
Cause they believe
Being rich is the only way
So how can da devil
Stop being a beast of persecution
If we the people
Can't show that love
Is the truth
To it all
The creator gave us
A second chance
Not to remain
In da devils nightmare