Monday, May 27, 2013

Just think

Just seeing your face, for the first time

Noticing your beauty

To be a model

Your fine the way u are

Just think if I had u in my arms

To ease your pain

Taking away your stress

Just think if I had u by my side

I wouldn’t have to worry anymore

U already caught my attention

Just think if u had me

To be your sweet prince charming

Making u light up each time

I give u a compliment

Taking the time to tell u

That I want to make u my prize possession

U inspired me to open up again

Not afraid to express how I feel

Just meeting u in the summer

Only thinking that we meant to be friends

Staying in a daze

And not going after u

It’s hard to say that I like u

Can’t hide my feelings from u

First time getting butter flies

Around u

Made me look foolish

Just think if I had

U as my wing beneath da thrown

Falling for u now like

A piece of candy

Da sweet kind

Revealing my sweet ways

Making u wish this new love

Will be everlasting

With appalling stories to tell and share

Just think how this romance

Can be between us

Like a dove falling for a fox

I know it was corny

But u will adore my corniness

Just like my words

Just think how happy

I would make u

U are da one I need to catch

Just think u need a man

And I need a woman in my life

To complete me

I’m done thinking

I am done making u wait

Play time is over

Can’t just let u walk away

Without telling u

That your beauty is appealing

In many ways

Seeing u smile makes me gaze

At u forever

U are what I’m looking for

Just think of what

This can turn into

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